〈角色扮演腦力激盪法 Role Play Brainstorming〉
創意思考卡 Creative Thinking Card No.03
Role Play Brainstorming
Creative Thinking Card 03
Role Play Brainstorming is an innovative way to put forward team ideas. Through role-playing, let your participants imagine that they are in a role related to the goal, such as customers, senior managers, service providers, and perform a scene. Letting participants pretend to think from another angle can reduce participant constraints and provide deep insights into challenges and solutions.
The following three key questions can help participants think in the role-playing brainstorm, and then further think about what challenges we face internally or externally?
- What does the user/client/manager really want?
- Why are they dissatisfied?
- What is needed to make them feel better about their experiences or results?
自動引用通知: 角色扮演腦力激盪法 – 莘承管理顧問股份有限公司